Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lunch in Paris - by Elizabeth Bard

2 1/2 out of 5 stars

I really want to say that I loved this book. I love memoirs. I especially love memoirs that tell about adventures abroad and when they have recipes..bonus! This memoir, however, I did not love. The story line was mostly predictable, as most of these types of memoirs tend to be. Her writing was at best average and her adventures were less than noteworthy. Where did the book lose me? With Elizabeth, I just didn't like her. I found her elitist and arrogant in a way that I couldn't get behind. Again, usually not a problem. I often felt as though Elizabeth thinks herself above her audience and that didn't work for me. It was little comments like how she was living an "extraordinary" life in Paris and it would be "ordinary" to live back in New York. There were many more little remarks that were subtle but just enough to catch my attention.

If like me you enjoy memoirs about foreign locales and recipes give it a go. Just don't expect anything riveting!